Remote Interviews - Essential Coaching
CV19 has changed the way we work, and there has been a huge increase in the number of people working remotely from home. This will be the new normal for a while. Whilst some businesses have paused their hiring plans, others are still recruiting, and more of these interviews are taking place remotely.
Here are my top 7 tips to smash that remote interview.
1. Test your Tech
First impressions always count, so test your Tech the day before the interview. Connect with a friend to make sure that your audio and screen work well, and your background is professional. This dummy run will make you so much more confident for the real thing.
2. Dress the part
You still need to dress like you would if you had an in-person interview. And not just the top half – if you need to get up during the interview, your slobby joggers won’t impress! Keep your look simple and professional, and you’ll be more professional too.
3. Make sure you’re ready
It sounds so obvious, but get in the zone 10-15 minutes before the meeting is due to start. Just like you did, pre-CV19, when you were waiting in Reception. Have a last minute run through of the role and company, go through your CV, turn off your ‘phone if you’re not using it, and get a glass of water.
4. Connect and engage
You’re not in-person with the interviewer, so you’ll need to work extra hard to engage them. Initiative some social conversations, ask questions, give them plenty of genuine smiles and lots of eye contact - positive listening is essential too. Make it easy for them to connect with you.
5. Take away the distractions
To fully engage with the interviewer throughout the interview, you need to take away potential distractions. So you’ll need a quiet private space where friends, family or pets won’t disturb or distract you…or the interviewer.
6. Keep your CV close
Don’t have it on another screen – you’re in trouble if there are any glitches. Print off a copy and have it close by to refer to. Different coloured highlighter pens are great to help you refer to specific experience. And they show the interviewer that you have properly prepared.
7. Market yourself and keep in touch
Finish the meeting on a positive, and let the interviewer know you are interested. Also, develop your online personal profile, so your digital footprint totally reflects the role. Follow up the interview with an email thanking the interviewer for their time, and reiterate your interest.
I can help you develop these strategies, and also coach you on interview preparation and performance. Contact me today!