Essential Interview Coaching Blog Page
Stop looking for that 100% perfect role…and 4 other tips.
Stop looking for that 100% perfect role…and 4 other tips.
I have over 30 years interview coaching and recruitment experience. Hard to believe from my website photo’s I know…or should that be I wish?! Either way, here are 5 ideas to to help you with your current job search. Starting with, accept that your perfect job doesn’t exist.
Why your son or daughter might need a graduate career/interview coach.
We all know that CV19 has badly hit the job market at all levels, taking away many career opportunities for recent graduates. Here are three main reasons why your son or daughter might need a graduate coach, and why hiring one makes sense.
Be inspired!
Great jobs aren’t easy to find or land, and it’s very easy to become demotivated. So, with a bit (ok, a lot!) of help from the good old internet, here are 10 inspirational quotes to keep you motivated. Hope they help!
Re-set your morning routine
We all have daily morning routines, but especially in lockdown or when we’re working from home, it can be easy to get into a bit of a rut.
Whilst there is nothing wrong with that first cup of tea or coffee to help you get going, there are other rituals we can incorporate into our morning to make us more positive and productive.
How to avoid WFH fatigue
For the past few months, like a lot of people I’ve been working from home non-stop. And it has some obvious benefits – commuting time and money saved, you get to choose all of the background music, and can catch up with household jobs!
However, a constant merging and juggling of work and home can create problems. I’ve listed a few below that I’ve experienced, with some suggestions to help.
Get your home work right!
Successful tips to keep your career moving forward, even if you’re stuck working from home!
Lockdown job hunting
Searching for a new role is always tricky, especially now. So, here are my 8 top tips to help you find that great new position during lockdown.
Online impressions count!
Clearly 2020 has changed how we are living, and also how we look for work. Business networking is no longer about in-person meetings, complete with printed CV’s or business cards. Most interviews are done online, LinkedIn communication is increasingly important, and a lot of companies use social recruitment to source candidates. We’ve all had to go fully digital, whether we like it or not.
Essential Interview Coaching update
Interview technique and proactive job hunting are vital skills that you need to have in these tough times. Let’s work together to help you succeed.
Interview coaching recent Grads and College leavers
CV19 has taken away some opportunities for recent Grads and College leavers. I have extensive experience of providing 1-1 interview coaching in all markets to help you succeed.
Get a new role now - how to stand out!
In these strange times, it's too easy to think that there are no roles out there. But don’t delay, let's get on with it!
Follow up your job application
Applying for a role, and then not hearing back from either the recruitment agency or employer is frustrating. You gain nothing by doing nothing, so don't just feel sorry for yourself, do something about it.
Make the internet work, for you!
We use the internet so frequently, in all aspects of our daily lives, so it’s easy to forget how you can make it work for you too. It is one of the best resources available to you, and delivers great results. Here’s a plan to get you started.
Internal interviews - how to succeed!
At first glance, succeeding in an internal interview seems pretty straightforward. Your co-workers are interviewing you, you understand the organisation, and you have a proven track record. So what could go wrong? A sense that the new role is already yours, leads to a lack of good preparation and a disappointing interview.
So here are my tips to help you succeed:
How to handle interview rejection
Obviously nobody enjoys being turned down for a role. Especially if you’d worked hard with your preparation, and felt the recruitment process went well. In the current competitive job situation, where it's a buyers’ market, sadly more and more people will be rejected.
However, with the right approach, you can turn the negative experience into an opportunity to succeed. And here’s how to do it…
Dealing with difficult interviewers
Dealing with difficult interviewers
Most interviewers are polite and professional. Most of the time. However, occasionally you may meet someone who is rude or aggressive, either for part, or all of your interview. It could be that their interview style is tricky, or they’re having a bad day...or both. I have tips that will help you deal with most situations.
Welcome to Essential Interview Coaching
Job interviews are tricky, and the best roles are always in demand, especially in this recruitment market. So, I’m delighted to announce that I’ve set up Essential Interview Coaching. With over 30 years experience of running an award-winning career consultancy, I’ve provided specialist interview and recruitment guidance to thousands of candidates …
Get your CV right…first time!
As a recent college leaver or Uni graduate, you’re applying for roles. You probably won’t have loads of work experience, so producing a strong CV is important. Recruiters don’t have much time to go through each CV, so you need to make yours stand out! …
Recently graduated - what’s the next step?
Clearly, we are living in very difficult times – so much of our “normal” life has changed. Sadly, CV19 comes with huge personal cost, and has also hit the economy, badly impacting on the number of roles available to recent Grads, and young people in general…
Remote Interviews - Essential Coaching
CV19 has changed the way we work, and there has been a huge increase in the number of people working remotely from home. This will be the new normal for a while. Whilst some businesses have paused their hiring plans, others are still recruiting, and more of these interviews are taking place remotely…