Make the internet work, for you!
Make the internet work, for you!
We use the internet so frequently, in all aspects of our daily lives, so it’s easy to forget how you can make it work for you too. It is one of the best resources available to you, and delivers great results. Here’s a plan to get you started.
Build a better profile
Before you start applying for roles, you need to start thinking like a recruiter. Employers will hire people who stand out, and who are determined and ambitious. So use the internet to build a better profile. For example, you could create a personal website, highlighting your work skills, achievements and personal qualities, in a way a traditional CV can’t. You must always make sure all of your social media platforms are up to date, relevant and professional.
Who you know has never been more important – and is definitely as important as what you know. Whatever stage you’re at, develop your online interactions and relationships to open new opportunities. You may find new roles, be contacted by other businesses; or connect with other companies, and business groups and forums; or liaise with charities of all sizes. Online connections are free and so easy to use, whether that’s LinkedIn or other platforms.
Develop new skills
Technology is constantly changing, and the CV19 economy is getting more challenging. So give yourself a competitive advantage by supporting your existing talents, and developing new skills. This could be learning to use new equipment or software, perhaps a 2nd language. Or you could develop your soft skills, such as public speaking and leading presentations. Schedule regular slots in to your weekly timetable and embrace eLearning. Don’t forget to update your improved online profile with these new skills. Times are changing – don’t get left behind.
Work from home
At the start of the year working from home was the exception, and most people hadn’t heard of Zoom! However CV19 and lockdown have totally changed that. Not everyone will be able to work from home all of the time, but use the internet to keep your productivity levels up, and connect with colleagues and clients in real time. No more, or fewer commutes, saving you time and money.
Work/life balance
So many people talk about it, but how many people achieve it? Your career is very important. However, it is only one part of your life. So use the internet to help you to boost your mental and physical health, fitness, and happiness. There’s plenty of information about nutrition; there are online classes from yoga to cooking, to meditation. You can get support and advice about how to relieve stress and improve your sleep. Again, schedule slots into your timetable to make sure you keep to it. And as you feel better, you will be a better worker – win win!
The internet is a stunning invention. Please remember to make it work for you, to benefit you in person, and create better prospects for you too. As an experienced Interview Coach, I offer a free 30 minute consultation to help you with these ideas or other requirements. Contact Peter on 07531 279923 or