Online impressions count!
Make sure you have a strong online presence
Clearly 2020 has changed how we are living, and also how we look for work. Business networking is no longer about in-person meetings, complete with printed CV’s or business cards. Most interviews are done online, LinkedIn communication is increasingly important, and a lot of companies use social recruitment to source candidates. We’ve all had to go fully digital, whether we like it or not.
It’s time to adapt to the changes by learning how to connect in online meetings, and also to make online connections. It’s too easy to be defeatist and hide behind your keyboard, telling yourself that you can’t convince or persuade remotely. But things won’t change unless you make them happen. Here are some ideas to get you started. Connect with 10 (minimum) new relevant LinkedIn contacts per week; keep up on work and industry related social media; adapt your CV to specific opportunities etc. Making a good online impression is vital when you’re interviewing. So, detox your Zoom background, test your tech, dress the part, and engage with the interviewer more than ever.
I hope these overview ideas help. I have over 30 year’s interview and recruitment coaching experience. I offer a free 30 minute consultation, and would be happy to discuss these insights in much more detail. My contact details are