Lockdown job hunting
All you need for lockdown job hunting!
Here are my top tips for job hunting during lockdown.
1. Ask yourself some questions
Before you get going, you’ll need to have a clear idea about the type of role, or roles (you’ll probably need to be flexible) that you’ll apply for. What kind of jobs play to your skills and strengths? What kind of company are you suited to, both in terms of size and culture? Which sectors are recruiting? Answering these questions will help you concentrate your search more effectively.
2. Be flexible and open to new ideas
The ongoing global situation and lockdown has changed the job market. So you’ll need to be flexible and open to new ideas. Consider what factors you’re willing to compromise on. For example, you may be looking for a permanent role, but a temporary position or contract might mean that you get experience in a new area, discovering strengths you didn’t realise you had.
One version of your CV is not enough. Each role and organisation is different, so you need to tailor your CV to make it as relevant as you can for each application. The more relevant it is, the better your chances of getting an interview. And please make sure it reads well, and that there are no red lines to be seen!
4. Networking
Who you know has never been more important – and is definitely as important as what you know. Whatever stage you’re at, develop your online interactions and relationships to open new opportunities. You may find new roles, be contacted by other businesses; or connect with other companies, and business groups and forums; or liaise with charities of all sizes. Online connections are free and so easy to use, whether that’s LinkedIn or other platforms.
5.Develop new skills
Technology is constantly changing, and the CV19 economy is getting more challenging. So give yourself a competitive advantage by supporting your existing talents, and developing new skills. This could be learning to use new equipment or software. Or you could develop your soft skills, such as public speaking and leading presentations. Schedule regular slots in your weekly timetable and embrace eLearning. Don’t forget to update your improved online profile with these new skills.
6. Get remote interview ready
Your interview will be by ‘phone or via video. If you are being interviewed via video link, be sure to do a practice run with your tech beforehand, set up your interview space (being aware of your background), and check with your recruiter beforehand what the company culture is so you can dress accordingly.
7. Keep going
Being rejected at an interview happens to everyone. So stay positive, and do all you can to learn from the experience, to help you get ready for the next opportunity. Future employers will be impressed by your strength of character and resilience. And it is easier to keep going if you…..
8. Look after your well being
Job hunting during lockdown will set new challenges, so make sure you are looking after your physical and mental well being. Ensure you get some daily physical exercise – schedule it! And reach out to your family and friends. Try to keep a positive mindset, as this will help you, and ensure your search stays on course.
As an experienced Interview Coach, I am helping people in this market, and can help you to make sure you have a strong competitive advantage next time round. I offer a free 30 minute consultation. Contact me on 07531 279923 or peter@essentialinterviewcoaching.co.uk for more information.